Theory test cheat sheet: how to pass first time

Believe it or not, the theory test is the world’s biggest online exam. More than two million theory tests are sat each year. Just over half of candidates fail, so don’t assume a little common sense is all it will take to pass. But with our theory test cheat sheet, you’ll be well on the way to making the grade the first time.

1. Read The Highway Code. Then read it again!

There are loads of books, apps, and online tests to help get your theory knowledge up to scratch. But there’s no better place to start than The Highway Code. It’s not exactly a page-turner, but the rules of the road are all there. Read it often and it will start to sink in!

2. Hit the handbook

Sorry, more reading. The DVSA Theory Test for Car Drivers is packed full of sample questions and handy tips. Again, it won’t be first choice for reading on a beach holiday, but it will help you pass the theory test.

3. Get app-y

There are loads of smartphone apps to help you pass the theory test. Two of the best are Driving Test 4-in-1 App from Driving Test Success and the Official DVSA Theory Test App. Both are excellent, but it’s the Driving Test Success app that won ‘App of the Year’ in the FirstCar Awards 2021. It’s on our theory test cheat sheet because it’s fun to use but covers everything you need, from The Highway Code to road signs to hazard perception. Talking of which…

4. Learn to spot hazards

You may be able to recite The Highway Code backwards, but if you can’t spot a hazard you won’t pass the hazard perception part of the theory test. There are lots of apps to help with this too, and you can take mock hazard perception tests online. You’ll need to watch a video and click a mouse as hazards develop. The sooner you notice potential danger, the higher the score. Get in plenty of practice, so that hazard perception is second nature by the time you take your theory test.

5. Take a mock test

As well as taking sample hazard perception tests, there are mock tests for the regular theory test. The DVSA practice tests are on the Safe Driving for Life website and they are absolutely free.

If you’ve covered every item on our theory test cheat sheet you should be ready to take the theory test and win.

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